
Wed Feb 03, 2021 | 05:01pm

The impeachment trial of Donald Trump is necessary to show the behavior of this man in a trial-like setting. The hardcore supporters of Donald Trump, including the militant faction, really believe the lies this man has told for the last four years. This only way I can see to recover any fraction of this hardcore support into a more rational frame of mind is to display the facts in a trial in the Senate.

The endless conspiracy theories, including the belief in the stolen election, need to be smashed. There will still be a large portion of supporters that will never come around because of their sheer nepotism and delusional thinking. We need to relegate this crowd where they belong, in the “loony” bin of history and excise any legislative power from them.

This extreme right tranche cannot be reasoned with and facts have no meaning. Fox News is a poisonous outlet that makes any social network look benign by any measure. Corporate America will never withhold its support for this channel and the promises of “defunding” the radical congressmembers and senators will ring hollow. If they are serious then start with Fox News, the purveyor of all these crazy beliefs.

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