Unsafe Entry

Sat Mar 20, 2021 | 05:42am

This state is soon expected to provide assistance, meals, jobs, medical care, and living expenses for a hoard of freeloading immigrants who may be infected with COVID or another disease or affliction that could overwhelm existing services and put entire communities in a severe position for a long time. Done by a president, who it seems has flipped his lid and opened a stupid, unsafe entry into this country for anybody of any age or extraction or business (even terrorists) and drugs and sex traffickers making a fortune able to step across a mythical line.

I am against providing anything to this class of immigrants as it’s a sure way to bankrupt a community or state. I suggest that communities’ worst affected contract with a transportation company to transfer this hoard to where they will be welcomed and can live comfortably forevermore — Sacramento and Washington, D.C. — and send the bill to Biden.

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