Poll Workers Still Needed for the September 14, 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election

Tue Jul 27, 2021 | 04:25pm

The Santa Barbara County Registrar of Voters office is seeking volunteers to serve as poll workers for the September 14 California Gubernatorial Recall Election. Community participation is always essential to staffing the precincts and polling places for the election. With this election taking place on such a short schedule, the Elections Office has less time than usual to recruit poll workers.With just a little over a month before poll worker training begins, the Elections Office still needs to recruit an additional 200 poll workers. Please apply to be a poll worker today! Poll workers who work at a polling place receive a stipend of $180 to $240 for Election Day and to attend training. Each polling place is led by a Polling Place Supervisor who oversees one or more Precinct Boards. Each Precinct Board is comprised of one Inspector and two Clerks. In addition, each polling place will need a Traffic Clerk and Ballot Reception Clerk. To be a poll worker, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a registered voter in the State of California or lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, as specified, and who is otherwise eligible to register to vote, except for their lack of United States citizenship.
  • Be able to follow written and verbal instruction.
  • Be available to serve Election Day – September 14 – from approximately 6 a.m. to
    9 p.m. or until all of the closing procedures have been completed.
  • Must be available to attend a mandatory training class.

To learn more about the poll worker program and training process, please go to countyofsb.org/care/elections/officers/information.sbc

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