Re-elect Sneddon

Sun Oct 03, 2021 | 04:07pm

Young people in Santa Barbara need leaders who take action to protect our city and future generations against the threat of climate change. In the race for District 4, Councilmember Kristen Sneddon is the best choice for the future of our city because she believes in climate science and has acted with urgency to address this crisis.

On the City Council, Sneddon has leaned into her expertise as a scientist and educator, centering environmental justice and equity in her decision making. She championed the creation of the city’s Department of Sustainability & Resilience, the establishment of the Santa Barbara Clean Energy program, and is leading the charge to make Santa Barbara fossil-fuel free by 2035.

As our community confronts the increasing consequences of climate change, we need qualified and visionary leadership at City Hall that will treat this issue with the seriousness it requires. The Santa Barbara Young Democrats urge District 4 constituents to support local climate action by voting to re-elect Councilmember Kristen Sneddon on November 2.

Ian Baucke is policy director for Santa Barbara Young Democrats.

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