A Democrat for Reed

Sun Oct 17, 2021 | 10:49am

I’m a registered Democrat and I am supporting Barrett Reed. Barrett is not endorsed by any political party, as this is a nonpartisan position, and I trust him to act independently from any party agenda and focus on District Four’s issues directly impacting our residents.

This is the first election that I have actively supported a candidate because the stakes are too high to sit on the sidelines. His opponent calls him a Developer, but he is a Re-developer and through his work, he is repurposing empty commercial spaces into revitalized businesses in our city. Revitalization of State Street is exactly what our residents say that they want for our downtown.

Residents also want more affordable workforce housing and through Barrett’s experience with adaptive reuse of existing spaces, who better to lead the efforts to repurpose the old Sears, Macys, and Nordstrom’s properties. I trust Barrett to protect our single-family neighborhoods, protect our parks, and I know he will actively fight SB 9 and 10 from developers.

Barrett is endorsed by the Police Officers Association, while his opponent has received a no-confidence statement. Our residents want to feel safe in our homes and in our public areas and I know Barrett will work to bring back our police force to full capacity while working for community outreach to make our streets and neighborhoods safer.

We need someone that truly understands Fire Mitigation and will act to protect our neighborhoods by helping neighborhood organizations with creative solutions such as grazing with goats, and not show interest only during an election cycle. He will be ever cognizant of our neighborhoods in the high fire danger areas and fully fund our Fire Department.

We need someone on City Council with a business background like Barrett, that understands what it takes for businesses to succeed in our city, as well as fiscal responsibility when it comes to spending our tax dollars. He will tackle homelessness head on in a permanent way, not as a temporary fix, and not blaming COVID for inaction. He will use Measure C funds as the voters intended, to be used on infrastructure repairs and improvements.

We need someone who will not flip-flop on issues and we deserve to be able to trust our council member and know where they stand on the issues. Barrett has shown his drive to bring City Hall to residents by walking the neighborhoods every single day, giving out his personal cell number, and I know he will continue this outreach and encourage residents to participate as our next city council member.

Please join me in supporting Barrett Reed for District 4 on City Council.

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