Other People’s Agendas

Sat Jun 11, 2022 | 11:27am

This recent news headline reminds me of something I saw at Vons across from San Marcos High School a few years ago.

“Trump ally Rep. Debbie Lesko says high school made a ‘big mistake’ after she was heckled by teenagers and parents during a graduation speech.”

I am not a Trump fan, as his childish antics got us in this mess, but there is something sinister and evil (in my opinion) going on in schools.

I was shopping at Vons during school hours after Trump was elected. About 50-60 students walked through Vons, shouting. I asked someone if they were saying what it sounded like, and they were.

They were shouting “F*ck Donald Trump.” I looked outside and saw who I would guess was a teacher, as they all waved as they walked by him.

I don’t really know how many high school students understand politics or political agendas. Based on our current “epidemic of wokeness” my guess is they were following the agenda of a teacher.

The article goes on to point out that Ms. Lesko says, “I can deal with hecklers. But I believe that the executive director of the school made a big mistake. Because I believe that he now taught all those graduates that if you heckle somebody, you win,” Lesko told the Phoenix-based KJZZ News after the incident.

I don’t know if the teacher had to get administration approval to take kids across the street and March through Vons yelling profanities, but the shoppers didn’t deserve to know how horribly upsetting and traumatic the election must have been to someone — probably the teacher.

I suppose in their world view, if we object to their heckling, then we are limiting free speech, and I would guess we would also be racists.

It would be hard to believe all the kids that marched through Vons had their own opinion. Don’t get caught up in what others think you should do, say, be, or believe. Dictators won’t let you believe anything but what they believe.

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