Follow the Money

Fri Jun 17, 2022 | 01:33pm

The U.S.A. is the largest weapons producer in the world today. It is also the country with the most mass killings by a wide margin and the country that exports the most weapons to other countries. This is not an accident.

Loose gun laws are good for the same weapons manufacturers that profit from the donations of weapons, paid for by U.S. taxpayers, to Ukraine. There is broad support for humanitarian aid to Ukraine, as there should be, but support for ever more deadly and sophisticated weapons for Ukraine is waning as people understand that, as he has stated, Ukrainian President Zelensky is not inclined to compromise as long as the U.S.A. and its allies continue to send advanced weapons that might allow him to defeat the Russians.

The taxpayers who are paying for those weapons should understand that, as Russian President Putin has stated, shipments of the ever more deadly weapons will be interdicted. This will likely escalate the conflict between the U.S.A. and Russia and could lead to a nuclear exchange.

What should be recognized is that U.S. weapons manufacturers and their representatives will not accept sensible gun laws or weapons restraints in the U.S.A. or anywhere else as long as they are profiting from the current status quo and as long as members of the legislature are doing their bidding.

Rowland Lane Anderson is a lifetime member of Veterans for Peace, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, and Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

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