Reactionary, Right-Wing Rot

Sun Sep 04, 2022 | 05:43am

The reactionary, right-wing, white supremacist rot is spreading like maggots on the carcass of Democracy. Laws to impede voting and other civil rights are being installed at an alarming rate. The Supreme Court has been turned into an instrument of far-right religious fanatics and will destroy voting rights and the separation of church and state in its coming term.

President Biden put all his cards on the table and called the right wing’s bluff in his Soul of the Nation Speech. The minority of the radical right along with Fox News has enabled a small but vocal minority to overtake local governments and school boards. This MAGA crowd will not stop until they have imposed their parochial views on the rest of us.

They have deep pockets funded by Dark Money supplied by vested interests such as self-serving billionaires and corporations. This funding enables a crowd that would otherwise be inept at subjecting their extreme beliefs on the majority.

This election will be instrumental in retaining our precious Republic, which is threatened as during no other time in its history with the exception of the Civil War.

Vote Democratic!

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