Puttin’ Putin First

Mon Mar 18, 2024 | 02:21pm

There appear to be three distinct groups opposing U.S. aid to Ukraine:

(1) The Putin/Trump Caucus in Congress — A submissive Donald Trump bows to Vladimir Putin, and spineless Rethuglicans in Congress bow to Trump. These stooges howl “America First!” while putting Putin’s Russia first and America and its democratic allies last.

(2) The Neville Chamberlain Caucus — British PM Neville Chamberlain believed that ceding the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany in 1938 would guarantee “peace for our time.” Hitler had convincingly asserted that the region bordered Germany and the population was predominantly German speaking and had ethnic ties to Germany. He quickly violated the Munich Agreement, invading and conquering most of Europe. Putin makes exactly the same arguments of ethnic homogeneity to justify his war crimes in Ukraine. The Baltic states and Finland (present NATO members), like Ukraine, are also on Russia’s border. NATO’s charter would demand an immediate and staggering military response to any similar Russian aggression. Those who claim to be advocates for peace should think about that at their next pro-Putin rally.

3) The Father Charles Coughlin, Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Charles Lindbergh Caucus — They actively encouraged and supported Hitler’s territorial ambitions and believed that any opposition would be contrary to what they felt was in the best interests of promoting his fascist ideology. There are those today who willingly board this ship of fools. They labor under the self-delusion that they’re peace activists, yet act as pawns for a dictator who has threatened the use of nuclear weapons if bombing schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings is deemed insufficiently barbaric. Those who choose to ally with dictatorships over democracies are not peace activists; they’re quislings and collaborators. History’s judgment will be both harsh and unforgiving.

Slava Ukraini! Glory to Ukraine!

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