Mailing Address

1715 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

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Send Us a Letter or Voice

Each week, The Santa Barbara Independent publishes a handful of letters in our print edition, many more letters online at Op-eds called a “Voice” are also published in both forums, and they are longer, more thought-out, compelling opinion pieces written by individuals who have strong feelings on issues of critical importance to the Santa Barbara community.

Topics: Anything and everything.

Include: Name, address, telephone number. (Only your name and city will be printed.)

Word Count for Letters: 50-250 words

Word Count for Voices: 600-850 words

Suggest or Write an In Memoriam

In Memoriam submissions are eulogies for members of the Santa Barbara community. Unlike obituaries, an In Memoriam is seldom timely as we publish no more than one per week in print.

Guidelines: We consider all In Memoriam submissions, from celebrities to someone who just touched one life, but we strive for evocative, well-written tributes, and reserve the right to edit or alter the submission.

Word Count: 500-800 words


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