
Thu May 22, 2008 | 06:00am

The SBCAG (Santa Barbara County Association of Governments) board approved $140,000 in funding to expand the Clean Air Express to include another commuter bus from the North County for residents who work on the South Coast. SBCAG will now operate seven buses from Lompoc and continue with five from Santa Maria to locations in Santa Barbara and Goleta and at UCSB. The eleven Clean Air Express routes currently carry about 200,000 passengers annually.

The Santa Barbara County Farm Bureau endorsed Proposition 98, a proposed amendment to the California constitution on the 6/3 ballot that claims to protect against government abuse of its eminent domain power to “take” private property. Meanwhile, the Sierra Club and housing advocates strongly urged a no vote on 98, which would banish mobile home rent control, and a yes vote for Proposition 99, which limits eminent domain less broadly.

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