High-Spirited Horse Adores Human Child

Camelot Gives Most People the Runaround

Sat Sep 12, 2009 | 06:00am

Camelot is a dark-and-light gray Arab/Thoroughbred horse. He is five years old and a perfect athletic specimen. He holds himself as if he was born into the stables of royalty. His head and neck are held high and his body is in perfect alignment. When Camelot is not focused on something in the distance, he is looking into the eyes of his handler. He is afraid of nothing yet alert to everything. When engaged in movement he prances as if all eyes are upon him. Although Camelot is young and a bit small in stature, he can soar over any jump as if he is a champion. He has no fear of jumping over logs or water.

If you are a person that is normally rough with horses, Camelot will fuss and spin when you handle him until you get so wrapped up in the lead rope that you must let it go to untangle yourself. Then he will twirl in the opposite direction to set himself free before galloping off into the fields, into his stall, or to his human child.

His child is a ten-year-old girl named Talia. She is the only human that Camelot never tries to get away from. His behavior is perfect around her. For others he shifts back and forth when the saddle is placed upon him, but for Talia he stands perfectly still. For many, Camelot has been known to pick up his pace to a gallop at the most inappropriate times during a trail ride. If any human tries to stop him he will buck at full speed and most likely dump his rider. But for Talia he will gallop, she will giggle, and then she will sit back and he will slowly stop with ease.

Here is what Camelot has to say:

“Although I am a young horse, I have lived more years than most humans. I see what is inside the minds of the people and I feel that most of them are not pure. There are some, but those are the ones who are the least listened to. My child is one of the pure ones. She hears me as well as I hear the wind, as clearly as the sea birds hear the movement of the fish under water. One of my greatest pleasures is riding with Talia and the deer in the forest. I try to be as graceful as the deer, but it is difficult. They have more connection with the earth and I have a hard time landing as quietly as they do. Do you know that there are times they do not even rustle the leaves when they walk?

“People are mostly stupid. They are so easy to tangle. I move this way and that and they are frozen in doubt of themselves. There are few humans that have self-confidence enough to master their sight and their movements. Talia is not really confident but she moves and reacts naturally, which gives her a natural grace. I tried spinning her up once and she just moved with me as if it were a dance. I found myself at the beginning after every spin. She is cleverer than most. Her mind is quick. Sometimes when we are in the forest she sees other animals before I do. It is remarkable.

“We go to the sea sometimes, Talia and I. She has taught me to be confident in the waves. At first I was scared of the white water. Now even when the waves are rough, I will walk though water as deep as my knees. On calm days Talia and I will swim in the sea. She will ride me bareback with just my halter and lead rope and we will go all the way into the water until my legs cannot even touch the ground. I actually find it very enjoyable. But the first time I was so frightened, I thought the ground was gone for good. Talia had to get off my back and swim ahead of me. I trust her, so I moved my legs as if I was cantering with no ground, and sure enough I swam back to land.

“My only fear is that Talia’s parents will transfer my ownership. I would not feel safe in any other family. This family cares about me. They stick up for me when others tell them I should be sold. People tell my family I am worth a lot of money. My family always responds by saying that no money is worth the friendship that Talia and Camelot have. They understand me, and therefore I try to be on my best behavior. It is not always easy but I try.”

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