Health 12-3

Thu Dec 03, 2009 | 12:00am

The Public Health Department declared on 12/1 that it is expanding the groups eligible to receive the H1N1 vaccine to include adults over 24 years old with chronic medical conditions, those who provide care to infants under 6 months of age, and everyone up to 24 years old. Only healthy adults 25 years and older who are not health-care or emergency workers are asked to defer immunization for another few weeks. Between 10/28 and 11/30, the Health Department provided 12 community clinics throughout the county and vaccinated more than 10,000 residents.


A new county spay/neuter ordinance went through the final hoop on 12/1, with the Board of Supervisors voting 3-1 to approve the measure. The controversial ordinance-done to combat overcrowded county animal shelters-will require cat and dog owners to spay or neuter their pets unless they obtain a certificate from their veterinarian exempting them.

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