Fashions, Food, and a Good Goleta Cause

Senior Center Puts on a Fabulous Party

Tue May 04, 2010 | 06:00am

Goleta’s Senior Center, in Old Town’s Goleta Valley Community Center, celebrated and raised funds at the same time on Saturday, April 24, with its third annual luncheon and fashion show. The festive and popular event was put together by chair Rita Norman and her small committee of volunteers.

Norman became involved when, as a member of the senior advisory board for the center, she noted a few years ago that the organization’s budget needed a shot in the arm.

“There really wasn’t a major fundraiser in place for the Senior Center, so we decided to give the luncheon and fashion show a go.”

Coldwater Creek, a women’s apparel and fashion accessories store in downtown Santa Barbara, was extremely helpful and professional in putting on the fashion show, Norman said. Diane Gillilan, store manager, also acted as commentator for the women’s fashions, modeled by community members ranging in age from 18 to 70-something. Twenty-seven colorful, attractive outfits – casual, travel, and dressy – were on the runway. The event took place at the Community Center.

“I always enjoy it,” said Gillilan. “It’s fun to be out in the community and interesting to meet people from all over the area.” This is the third consecutive year that Coldwater Creek has provided the apparel and facilitated the show.

Men’s fashions, provided by Outfooters in La Cumbre Plaza, were also represented, with Joanell Scala narrating that part of the fashion show.

Friendship Manor in Isla Vista contributed the food for the luncheon, which included appetizers, very tasty salad, and delicious chocolate dessert. And Carol Dorman was serving her delicious roasted vegetable soup, as well. Entertainment was provided by Dorothy Turner, assistant to the Center’s director, who sang several selections, and the Santa Barbara Senior Follies.

Congresswoman Lois Capps, former Goleta Mayor Jean Blois, and a substantial contingent of “Red Hat” ladies were among the approximately 150 guests at the event. Multiple businesses, including Santa Barbara Airbus and Santa Barbara Bank and Trust, contributed to the luncheon and fashion show, which raised approximately $6,000.

The Senior Center provides numerous and varied services and programs for seniors in the region, including dances with live music, tai chi and line dancing classes, bridge and bingo, informational talks, gentle yoga, hot lunches, blood pressure clinics, tax preparation help, and a new “Senior Center Without Walls” program that includes hiking, swimming classes, and day trips. There is also a gala, annual Mardi Gras celebration at the Senior Center every February.

For more information about the Goleta Senior Center, go to the website or call the center’s director, Amy Mallett, at 683-1124.

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