State Jumps on Bike Planning Bandwagon

Caltrans Initiates Two-Wheeled and Two-Footed Quest

Sun Mar 27, 2016 | 06:00am

Can you bike or walk easily where you live or to work? Did you choose where you live based on being able to bike or walk? Caltrans wants to know.

Part of a goal to triple biking and walking by 2020 for health and environmental reasons, an online survey to assess the walking and bicycling habits and perceptions of state residents was announced Thursday. The survey is phase one of a process that will include focus groups, community workshops, and data collection overseen by a Technical Advisory Committee through February 2017.

Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty announced the effort in 2015 at a meeting of the California Bicycle Coalition. The results will help direct Caltrans’ non-motorized connection improvements and complement local transportation plans. To learn more or take the survey, go to

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