Earth’s Green Mile

Mon Feb 25, 2019 | 12:36pm

I proposed a “New Deal for renewable energy” a couple months ago in a letter. I had not heard of the Green New Deal, so great minds must think a like (that is a joke). In one of your letters recently, the writer was extremely critical of the Independent‘s piece on rising waters. This person stated scientific nonsense and used some obscure paper that predicted global freezing. The writer then stated that the 0.04 percent CO2 was a good thing for plants and was too small to matter.

As a chemist and engineer I have learned to appreciate how very small concentrations can have very great effects on physical properties. The correlation between temperature and CO2 emissions is undeniable. Cloud cover on the Earth would only account for a very small amount of reflection of sunlight as this author stated. The real issue is the melting ice reflects sunlight; when the poles disappear, more heat is absorbed by the ocean. The warming ocean cannot absorb as much CO2 as when it was cold. The increased heat will then start to melt the Siberian tundra and release methane with 100 of times the greenhouse effect. The Earth will then super-heat and kill all surface life and most of the sea creatures.

This has happened in the distant past, and the mass extinction was close to 90 percent! Long before this all happens the climate change will disrupt our food and water supplies.

What kind of reality are we going to leave or children and grandchildren? The Green New Deal encompassed the very survival of the planet.

I’m writing the obituary for humankind.

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