Carp’s Westerlay 100,000 Orchids Challenge

Company Needs Help Reaching Goal

Wed May 27, 2020 | 02:49pm

Carpinteria’s Westerlay Orchids is on its way toward accomplishing its 100,000 Orchid Challenge, an effort to send thousands of donated and deeply discounted blooms to frontline COVID-19 workers and those isolated in quarantine. So far, the company has shipped more than 50,000, but it needs help crossing the finish line.

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“We’re showing our gratitude to those on the front lines of this pandemic, setting a goal of sending 100,000 flowering orchids to nonprofits, nurses, doctors, and other essential staff in California,” said Westerlay Orchids owner Toine Overgaag. “We need the community’s help to reach this goal, so we are looking for significant financial sponsorships to help cover partial costs while ensuring the livelihood of our 120 employees and the survival of our business.” Join the 100,000 Orchid Challenge by emailing Westerlay, a third-generation family-run business, also set up a website to send a box of orchids at wholesale price to any group or organization you may want to thank. Go to to find out how.

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