City Truck Taken from Job Site

Worker on Early Morning Water-Main Leak Left Engine Running

Police are searching for this city truck, taken from a jobsite early on the morning of February 12.

Fri Feb 12, 2021 | 10:30am

One of the technicians working a water-main leak on upper State Street early this morning got a call from a colleague: “Hey, where are you going?” He responded he was still working onsite and then realized someone had driven off in his truck.

The Santa Barbara Police Department asks residents to be on the lookout for the missing truck, which was last seen headed down De la Vina Street around 4:30 this morning. It had been taken from the 3600 block of State Street, and its engine had been left running in order to run lights or equipment, said Jazmin Lau, an administrative specialist with the city’s Fleet Management Division.

The truck is white and has the seal of the City of Santa Barbara on the doors, a lightbar on the cab, and a crane assembly mounted in the bed. It also carries the identifying number 2592 and bears government license plate number 1457564.

Anyone with knowledge of the vehicle or its whereabouts is asked to call police at (805) 882-8900.

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