Health of the Body and the Mind

The Issues that Confront Us Are Planet-Wide and Personal

Sat Jun 18, 2022 | 07:46am

In our world, there are many types of illness or sickness. They may be physical, emotional, psychological, financial, or spiritual. Either way, everyone is struggling in some way and gets sick or ill at different times in their lives. It’s a matter of the degree, frequency and type. Mental health awareness doesn’t address only about the bigger cases of sickness, like Alzheimer’s, strokes, car accidents, overdoses, or suicide — we are all imbalanced in our lives. Then we may project this out toward others — hurting them with our words, thoughts, and actions.

Some are small acts of violence, and some are more extreme acts of violence.

It’s all of us — losing a job, getting a divorce, being bullied at school. The list goes on.

There are degrees of mental imbalance or sickness, and we are all very fragile. The brain is a very complex and sensitive tool, and it can snap anytime for any reason, especially in a society that is violent, stressful, greedy, and super expecting of you. We need to debunk the idea that the crazy person is out there and we are completely sane. Everyone has pockets of every disorder; it’s a matter of how big the pocket becomes and if it takes over our days, causing us to not be able to function. This can be measured by the degree of interruption in our daily lives.

I am a clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist. As a doctor, I treat patients in a variety of forms that are based in neuroscience and neuropsychology. I also collaborate with other doctors and scientists to formulate a plan of action for each person I work with to help them recover and heal. In order to have a healthy mind and healthy body on a healthy planet, solutions are really a multifaceted issue. It is a free complementary stay on this beautiful planet, Earth. In a way, I can defend the mind of someone else and give them structure and address their past traumas so that their present and future is better, more healthy, and peaceful. 

It is also their job to have a healthy body. They need to eat the proper food and exercise in order to be healthy, particularly in terms of our environment. In our environment and politics, we have one family out of four that is living with less than $25,000 for a family of four. Poverty is on the rise, along with the number of suicides and divorces. 

We have a real existential crisis going on, so it’s going to take all of us! This is worldwide, not just the U.S. — it’s France, Japan, and every other country. 

We are definitely a planet that is like the Titanic, and there are icebergs at sea everywhere. It’s really hard not to hit any of the icebergs and end up at the bottom of the ocean. If we don’t want to end up at the bottom of the ocean, we need to wake up and not be in denial. 

This entails us coming to terms with who we are as individuals and what part we play in the world. 

First, we must individually admit we all have problems. Nobody is perfect. And then we need to unite. Together, maybe we can navigate this dangerous water and get to a safe harbor. There are no guarantees in life; it is unpredictable. That is why being in the present is essential. 

All we really have is this moment in time. We don’t know what will happen to our friends, our family, when we will get ill next, or what will happen just 30 seconds from now. Our “destination” is one part of life and is important, but the journey is equally important. All of us are unique specimens and a unique prototype; it’s not the same journey for everybody. Every human being is their own distinctive and beautiful human prototype, and every journey or destination is not the same path. We are able to complement one another; if we were all the same, life would be boring. What makes our life beautiful is that we are all different, each contributing something rare and special to this life we are sharing. This is why we all need to help each other. We all are the leader and savior for each other. We all are the doctor and the patient for each other, so to speak, and that’s what we need to realize. We need to work together and stop the finger-pointing, which is like shooting one another. 

We are all breathing in the same air and absorbing the same particles I am. The idea of me, myself, and I is not a healthy place to come from. This is vantage point is selfish and different from self-care, which is not selfish. 

In order to have a healthy and balanced life, we have to first have self-love. We are not an island; we are all interconnected. We will get there together.

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