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GOLETA, CA, January 21, 2025 – Another City of Goleta milestone is almost here and we don’t want you to miss it. This Thursday morning, January 23 at 9:30 a.m., the green ribbon will be cut to celebrate the opening of 17 new Level 2 PowerFlex Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers at Goleta City Hall (130 Cremona Drive). Come hear for yourself what kind of impact this much-anticipated project is going to have on our community. Be there when then green ribbon is cut marking the official opening of a project designed for the public, employees, and City fleet charging to use. Following the ribbon cutting, there will be a demo of how to use the chargers. Spanish interpretation will be provided and light refreshments served. 

Mayor Paula Perotte who will be speaking at the event said, “This project is a huge step forward in our mission to transition to zero emission vehicles and our commitment to provide publicly available EV charging at City-owned facilities. We’re excited to unveil this project and we invite you to come charge with us.” 

You will also hear from Sustainability Manager Dana Murray, 2nd District Councilmember James Kyriaco, County Board of Supervisor Chair Laura Capps and representatives from Southern California Edison (SCE) and the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District (APCD).

The project was funded by SCE’s Charge Ready Program and APCD’s Clean Air Grants for Infrastructure Program.

We hope to see you for this special celebration on Thursday morning!


The City Hall EV Charging project was developed to support the City in transitioning to meet California’s new EV and clean transportation goals. The infrastructural work provided by SCE for the project is estimated to be worth about $250,000, provided at no cost to the City through SCE’s Charge Ready Infrastructure and Rebate Program. Additionally, a grant of $22,000 was awarded to the City by APCD’s Clean Air Grants for Infrastructure Program to offset the costs of the new PowerFlex Level 2 chargers. The City will be seeking additional grant funding from Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) and/or other sources to cover the remaining project cost of $11,000.

In September of 2020, the State of California issued an executive order requiring all new passenger vehicle sales to be zero-emission by 2035. By installing these public EV chargers, the City is addressing one of the main barriers to switching from a gas-powered vehicle to one that runs on electricity: access to reliable EV charging. With this recent installation, the chargers at City Hall meet Level 2 charging standards – meaning that they have 208-volt to 240-volt plugs, adding 20 to 60 miles per hour of charge. 

Learn more about the City’s Sustainability Program and projects at:

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