Just when I was hoping the Democrats might wake up and start reconnecting to their working class roots and begin making sense again to regular folks, here they come for my brown trashcan, which according to the card I just received from MarBorg, will soon be replaced “with new gray trash carts of the same size.” This is in order to comply with Senate Bill 1383, which aims to reduce organic waste ending up in California landfills. While I applaud the goal, I fail to see how changing the color of my trashcan will do anything to get us there. Allowing us to put produce trimmings in the green cans would make more sense.

Honestly Dems, WTF? Aside from the dollar cost of replacing thousands of perfectly functional trash containers, what about the environmental cost? And please don’t tell us the old containers will be recycled, we all know that plastic recycling mostly doesn’t happen, and even when it does, that is not a carbon-neutral process. As Trump and his Project 2025 rage across the land, it really would be good if the Democratic Party could find its way out of a trashcan without a flashlight.

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