1st Thursday After Hours Screening
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Date & Time
Thu, Feb 07 7:00 PM
Address (map)
136 E de la Guerra St Santa Barbara,CA 93101
S.B. Historical Museum
Join the Museum for their latest exhibitions after-hours. On view, guests can enjoy Trusted Treasures: Favorite Works of our Trustees which highlights from our art collection and The West-Dressed Woman: Highlights of the Costume Collection, which was recently on the cover of the Independent. Visitors can enjoy wine, music and more while also enjoying the permanent galleries dedicated to western artist Edward Borein and the Story of Santa Barbara. All galleries will be open from 5-7:00 pm. At 7:00 pm we will host a free screening of The Romance & Reaping of Riven Rock, a historical film about one of Montecitos most fabled estates and heir Stanley McCormick.