Eco Film Night Series 2040 Film Premiere

**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Mon, Aug 10 7:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Address (map)
907 S Kellogg Ave, Goleta, CA 9311
SB Permaculture Network Eco Film Night Series 2040 Film Premiere
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network Eco Film Night Series 2040 Film Premiere/Fundraiser for Marine Permaculture
It’s time for a better future!An aspirational journey to discover what the future could look like if we simply embraced the best solutions that exist today.
2040 Official Film trailer:
Monday, August 10, 2020 Gates & Kiosk open at 7:30pm
Admission $10 per person, or $20 per car (pay at event)
Location: West Wind Drive-In Movie Theater
907 S Kellogg Ave, Goleta, CA 93117Australia’s top grossing film for 2019 comes to Santa Barbara with an evening at the West Winds Drive-In Movie Theater
COVID safe & secure for a fun & inspiring summer evening!$
to develop a site on the California coast and help project on the Pacific Ocean First phase $250,000 – Second phase $500,00
The planet is heating up and Marine Permaculture can help cool it down. Your donation goes toward supporting Marine Permaculture in the Philippines, where we are expanding our seaweed arrays.
DONATE HERE…The planet is getting too warm and the ocean is feeling it the most, with 93% of the global warming heat going into the ocean. Because of the warming oceans, seaweed around the world is dying. But by mimicking Mother Nature, we can draw down CO2 with Marine Permaculture.
Marine Permaculture irrigates seaweed on a floating array with deep water. The seaweed creates ecosystems, while absorbing CO2. Then the seaweed is dropped into the middle and deep ocean, where the ocean holds the carbon for hundreds to thousands of years.
At the Climate Foundation, we are building upwelling Marine Permaculture arrays and it’s working! The seaweed is growing faster on our arrays compared to the traditional local seaweed farms. This faster growth is providing essential ecosystem support- now we have fish inhabiting the array and laying eggs, along with larger, predatory fish, dolphins and plankton-eating whale sharks!
Together, with our supporting partner, 2040, we can make vanishing ecosystems thrive, regenerate seaweed forests that absorb tens of tons of CO2 per acre per year, help seaweed farmers and fishermen have livelihoods and help sustain growing populations. This scaling effort will unlock the path to commercial-scale financeable Marine Permaculture regenerative projects.
We are very happy to also acknowledge the support from the Grantham Trust, Just One Tree and Dr. Bronner’s and other wonderful donors.
To stay informed on all that is going on at the Climate Foundation, please sign up for our newsletter at event page Marie Bushman 805-962-2571
Cosponsors Community Environmental Council, Blue Sky Biochar, Hour Books,Quail Springs,Regenerative Landscape Alliance,Teeccino,World Business Academy, S.B.Independent