Equinox Meditation
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Date & Time
Wed, Mar 20 7:00 PM
Address (map)
28 Parker Way Santa Barbara,CA 93101
Yoga Soup
with Patrick San Francesco Wednesday, March 20 / 7-9 PM $30 7-8 PM individual healing / 8-9 PM meditation As the sun moves between the tropics, the shift of energy is unique and powerful. In this special 1hr meditation, Patrick will harness and endow you with this Divine celestial energy. This energy will power your aura and change your frequency to resonate closely to that of the Universe. Please note: as this is an extremely powerful meditation, we regret that there will be no Q&A after. To register click here. Patrick San Francesco is an internationally recognized humanitarian and world-renowned energy healer from Goa, India. He is the chairperson of the Samarpan Foundation, established in India and now also operating in South Africa and Malawi. Patrick travels the world extensively; healing individuals, teaching his unique energy healing in workshops, and presenting talks on higher consciousness. Patrick began healing at the age of 4 years and has dedicated his life to serving others. His extensive knowledge of the human anatomy, diseases and ailments, as well as life situations, is attributed to a background in law and medicine. His contribution to humanity through healing, humanitarian projects and life sustainable inventions is globally acclaimed and his philosophy on life is invaluable. Patricks mantra is Love, Peace, Happiness, Kindness, Simplicity and Clarity. This philosophy is personified in his volunteers and demonstrated throughout the foundation projects. thefirstprinciple.org, samarpanfoundation.org,