Snowy Plovers on the Rise

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finished a plan to bring the population of the Western snowy plover on the Pacific Coast back to a sustainable level.

Quiz: Goin’ to College, Hollywood-Style

1) In the 2003 movie Old School, when Mitch “The Godfather” comes home early to find his girlfriend cheating on him, what is on the table-and also appears in scenes where something bad is about to happen in The Godfather?

Case of the Perfidious Poodle

NOMENCLATURE IS DESTINY: The recent dustup between the Santa Ynez Chumash and their Casino-hating neighbors begs the centuries-old question whether a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet. While that answer has eluded the best minds of many a generation, I am more than willing to bet the farm-preferably your farm-that the thorns would remain every bit as sharp.

Ensemble Theatre Company Opens The Clean House

Nothing excites serious stage actors more than the emergence of an important new playwright, and the 33-year-old American Sara Ruhl, author of The Clean House, which opens this week at Ensemble Theatre, appears to be just that-perhaps even in a league with Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller. Her reputation is based on a corpus of plays-The Clean House, Passion Play, Eurydice, and Late: A Cowboy Song-distinguished by their poetic economy, lightness, and wit, as well as their sudden openings onto great depths of pathos and sublimity.

Surviving I.V.

On any given weekend night, Isla Vista’s streets are filled to their bottle-strewn brim with glam girls in designer dresses, laidback hippies in the latest boho-chic, buttoned-up conservatives in sweet sweater sets, and guys of every color and creed in the same uniform: jeans, button-downs, Axe.

Black Moth Super Rainbow Heads Back to School

The psychedelic electro indie popsters of Pittsburgh’s Black Moth Super Rainbow have had quite a year. Since the May release of their album, Dandelion Gum, the enigmatic quintet (vocalist Tobacco, keyboardist Father Hummingbird, drummer Iffernaut, bassist Power Pill Fist, and keyboardist Seven Fields of Aphelion) has caused a critical stir at South by Southwest (where they shared a stage with The Octopus Project) and hit the road with the Flaming Lips.

Living Page Photo

Back to school blues: Students move in before the start of the fall quarter at the University of California, Santa Barbara, on September 23, 2007.


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