No to Cruise Ships Is the Preparation Santa Barbara Needs
In your coverage of the COVID-19 virus, the statement of the county’s chief medical officer, Dr. Ansorg, “We want to be prepared,” is extremely troubling because it is inconsistent with his and other public officials lack of action in regard to the epidemic.
The first and long overdue step is to prohibit all cruise ship arrivals in Santa Barbara.
Other responses in other places by the Centers for Disease Control and cruise-line companies has been insufficient and ineffective. Self-reporting did not prove adequate in regard to the Grand Princess; crew protocols weren’t followed and training was inadequate (19 Grand Princess crew have tested positive for COVID-19). In addition, an adequate supply of test kits are still not available, and Santa Barbara hospitals only have 58 negative-pressure rooms that can isolate contagious patients.
It is irresponsible for Dr. Ansorg, the City Council, and the Board of Supervisors to have waited this long to stop the cruise ships from coming here. Their responsibility is to protect the citizens of Santa Barbara. Stop the cruise ships now.