Santa Barbara High School senior Andreas Dybdahl | Credit: Ingrid Bostrom

A strong push in the last 200 meters allowed Santa Barbara High runner Andreas Dybdahl to pass rival Anthony Fast Horse of Ventura and capture his second consecutive CIF California State Championship in the 1600 meter on Saturday.

Dybdahl finished in a time of 4:08.23, which edged out Fast Horse who crossed the line at 4:09.32.

“It was actually really similar to last year in terms of none of the favorites wanted to go to the front,” said Santa Barbara High track & field coach Olivia Perdices. “They went through at like 2:08 through a half mile and at that point you knew it was going to be either Andreas or Anthony, whoever had the most in the tank at the end of it.”

Fast Horse made a move to the front of the pack with about 250 meters remaining and Dybdahl followed close behind. Over the last 100 meters Dybdahl edged past Fast Horse to finish his high school career in spectacular fashion.

Dybdahl is the first two-time state California State champion in the 1600 meter since 2013-14. His ability to build up to the state championship race and peak at the right time two years in a row is the stuff of legend.

“It’s hard to defend. It’s hard to be the marked man out there,” Perdices said. “He’s just so patient through the rounds. He could have taken a shot at winning CIF or winning the Masters meet. He just did what he had to do each time to get through.”

Dybdahl’s teammate and running partner Blasie Snow also reached the State Final in the 800 meter and finished in eighth place in a tight race. Snow was less than a second behind the third-place finisher and set a new personal record with a time of 1:52.04.

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