The Verdict
A Day of Destiny
Until now, the battle for our country’s future has been saber-rattling, insults, and political skirmishing. For a few on January 6, 2021, it was trauma and death, Donald Trump’s first open assault on the Republic. Lesson: Trump and his tribe will use violence against any political enemy, a threat with which he is menacing the American way of life.
For weeks, the New York trial provided entertaining gruel for the media, but on May 30, that court, using constitutional rules, laws, and purpose, threw down the gauntlet to Attila and his Huns. Trump’s mutinous invective that followed, echoed by his seditious allies, marks his blatant attempt at tyranny.
His lemmings bleat about the “Deep State.” Indeed, our Deep State is secured by the U.S. Constitution and its system of laws, “deep roots” of our democratic heritage and judicial sovereignty. But Trump and his ideologs will bring their iron tools of tyranny to dig these out by their roots, destroying the fabric of this country.
On January 6, Trump was delighted to hack apart the Constitution to stay in power, inciting Trumpites in a direct attack on the Capitol, as he now attacks the American judicial system and the library of laws stemming from it. He will debase and tear apart any cornerstone or guidepost of this nation to regain his access to power.
America’s force-of-arms has always battled aggressors and criminals. Now Trump, as Messiah to the Mobs, is turning American against American, proclaiming his leadership in a second Civil War, regardless of the damage to the nation — as Hitler in Germany, Stalin in Russia, the Ayatollah in Iran, all totalitarian despots. Trump will trample and burn every principle of this Republic in pursuing his rape of this nation.
Someone said the Democratic Party often fails because it brings a knife to a gunfight. Indeed, did the Democrats reject the courts and Constitution to claim the 2000 election? No. Or attempt to overthrow that court’s decision? No. Did they riot when Trump’s impeachments failed? No. They followed the rule of law. Did the Republicans, in 2020, follow the Constitution and the law, excepting without malice the election results? Or did they attack the law, incited by the criminal deceit of Donald Trump, as he’s doing today?
Is the Republican Party today accepting the judgment of the jury, or is their ideology of Trump as Godhead so rampant as to destroy the very ramparts of our political structure, that Trump’s tribe might gnaw on the bones of America’s body politic?
Make no mistake. This is no longer a battle of words or political wishes or rhetoric. If Trump re-acquires power, it will not be political gambits and public insults and threats to budgetary compromise. It will be Tiananmen Square, the burning of the Reichstag, and Stalin’s purges of the Kremlin. Any person, public voice, entity, or institution opposing or speaking out against Donald Trump will be hounded and persecuted and punished. Anyone believing him less than a predator or vengeful animal is ignoring will his history and his nature.
Those who want to protect American traditions, to protect this Republic’s democracy, and to ensure a future that represents what this nation stands for, must not look to conciliation. Chamberlain made that mistake with Hitler in Munich. We must stand together, fight at every opportunity, with any and all weapons at hand, against what this man and his mob, his wolfpack, are threatening us with. He and his throng will give no quarter. On that you can be sure. It is time to join the battle for the most important election we as Americans have ever faced. If we leave it to another day, we will be prisoners of a criminal and a dictator.