Getting to Know 2025 SBAOR President Summer Knight

By Summer Knight
2025 President
Santa Barbara Association of Realtors
Here we are, already in mid-January, and our thoughts are with those impacted by the devastating fires in the Los Angeles area. The destruction has been unimaginable, and we extend our heartfelt support to everyone affected. If you know someone in need of housing, the members of the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS® are actively working to assist by finding rentals or other housing solutions. Please reach out to your local REALTOR® to explore how they can help. Additionally, if you would like to make a donation, please feel free to reach out to the Association and they can provide you with a list of resources.
As we embark on a new year, the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS® Board presidency has transitioned from Michele Allyn to Santa Barbara native Summer Knight. Michele recently sat down with Summer to discuss her vision and goals for 2025.
What are you most excited about for 2025? I plan to work hard, not only for our members, but for the community, as REALTORS® are an integral part of our County. Not only do we ‘sell’ homes, but we help families build stability and financial wealth through homeownership. Working with a first-time buyer is extremely rewarding. And I am hoping to highlight all we do for the community in terms of volunteering and donating to important local causes.
Do you have concerns for 2025? We already knew insurance was a large issue for Californians and the devastating LA fires have certainly not helped. So, insurability and the effect it will have on homeowners and the cost of ownership will be a hot topic.
Tell us a little about yourself. Well, I was fortunate to be born and raised in Santa Barbara (a 4th generation local) and that my family is still in town. I will admit to being a workaholic, but I have been blessed with 5 kids (aged 24, 23, 21, 19 and 13) and will be married for 30 years this summer. My family loves to travel and we feel exposing our kids to different cultures and customs has been instrumental in their having a well-rounded outlook on life. We have been to 36 countries! I also love to read, hike and walk on the beach. I volunteer with 3 other local non-profits as well, if I am not running a million miles a minute, I go crazy!
Thank you, Summer Knight, for helping us to navigate 2025 as President of the Santa Barbara Association of REALTORS®, we look forward to your leadership and supporting you this year.
Summer Knight is a Santa Barbara native and top producing Realtor at Sun Coast Real Estate. Summer has been a member of the Santa Barbara Association of Realtors for over 20 years and currently serves as the President of the Board of Directors. Reach Summer at 805-886-1261 or
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