60th Anniversary Of The Marie, Online Zoom Event

**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Sun, Jun 07 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Address (map)
June 7, 2020 – You are invited to let your Bells Toll for the 60th Anniversary of the Marie Shipwreck 7:00a.m.-8:00a.m. (PST), because on this day seven brave men left Santa Barbara Harbor at sunrise on the vessel the Marie. Join friends and family honoring those lost at the 60th Anniversary of the Marie dis- appearance.
Friends and family of the seven are hosting an online event, for the 60th Anniversary of this mysterious mission, honoring the lives and legacies of the crew members who died or disappeared at sea. Family and friends will gather to let their bells toll. Anyone wanting to participate will log into Zoom. Partici- pants are asked to bring a bell so that collectively, around the world, we can ring bells 7 times, one ring for each of the men, and then we will later ring 8 bells to celebrate our future, giving sound to our grate- fulness that we have been given another day.
For those who want to join the virtual 60th Anniversary Bells Toll Event, you can find the Zoom link pinned to the top of my Facebook Event Page (FREE tickets, Space Limited).
7:00a.m. (PST) Gather online
7:30a.m. (PST) bell toll for seven men
8:00a.m. (PST) bell toll for end of our watch.
If you cannot join online, we invite you to still let your bells toll: 7bells@7:30a.m. and 8bells@8:00a.m. Let the bells toll around the world. Then, before midnight post a photo or video of your Bells Toll on our FaceBook page on June 7th to have your name placed into a drawing for FREE AWESOME prizes.
Link to the Event
* The MYSTERY OF THE MARIE: Memoir of My Childhood Tragedy that Surfaced a Cold War mystery, by Teresa Newton-Terres with James Pence, Book One of the Mystery of the Marie Series Available Now Anywhere Books Are Sold: www.mysteryofthemarie.com
All book sales June 7 — July 20, 2020 will support these charities:
- Santa Barbara Maritime Museums
- Council of American Maritime Museums
- Meals on Wheels###