An Afternoon with Peace Activist Father John Dear

**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Sat, May 18 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Address (map)
1500 State St.
Venue (website)
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church Santa Barbara is thrilled for the opportunity to host Father John Dear who will be speaking about his latest book The Gospel of Peace in Trinity’s parish hall on Saturday, May 18 from 2-4pm. Father Dear is an internationally known peace activist, author, and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
During these times of warfare, gun violence, racism, poverty, and climate change, John Dear has much to say in his new book, which is a commentary on the Gospels from the perspective of nonviolence. Dear’s Jesus is like Gandhi and Dr. King–nonviolent to the core, a disarming healing presence toward those in need, and a revolutionary disrupter of the unjust status quo. Prepare to be stirred up and inspired.
Suggested donation of $20 to attend. Cash, check, and credit card accepted at the door.
Dear’s book The Gospel of Peace will be available for sale for an additional $20.