Books for Breakfast: Because Internet

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Date & Time
Wed, Jul 01 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
Address (map)
Association for Women in Communications Santa Barbara (AWC-SB) mixes up its monthly meet-ups in the summer, getting together for Books for Breakfast. Join us on Zoom, July 1st at 8 AM, for a casual discussion of “Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language,” by Gretchen McCulloch.
click here to learn more about the book:
This book takes a linguistic look at how the internet is transforming the way we write and speak, and the speed in which slang and jargon catches on across social media. You don’t need to read the entire book in order to attend, many members and guests come for the company.
This meet-up is free for AWC-SB members and guests. To register and receive the Zoom link, email: