Virtual Tasting with Vintner Emeritus Richard Sanford of Alma Rosa

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Phone: 805-302-0565
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**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Thu, Jun 04 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Address (map)
The Santa Barbara wine community will stay strong through the covid-19 disruptions by going online. Join Inside Wine Santa Barbara in tasting 4 wines online via Zoom with winemaker Emeritus Richard Sanford. He is the ONLY local winemaker to be inducted into the Vintners Hall of Fame. He planted the first pinot noir with Michael Benedict in what is now the Santa Rita Hills AVA and the region’s international reputation can be partly ascribed to the highly-regarded pinot he produced for almost 50 years.
Host Inside Wine Santa Barbara is a not-for-profit wine tasting group open to the public 21+ years old.
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