This week on Poodle Radio, the Independent’s official radio program, we can’t help but engage in some serious cinematic talk, given the 25th annual Santa Barbara International Film Festival’s full-swing presence all around us. Colin Marshall briefly discusses promising screenings in the upcoming week, Ben Preston tries to remember the good times of the open bar-equipped opening night party and Aly Comingore takes advantage of a brief break in Saturday morning’s downpour to step outside the screenwriters’ panel and chat about the selection of movies on offer by both Santa Barbaran and Québécois filmmakers.
Also on the table is Ben’s recent visit to the “Welcome Home Warriors” banquet thrown for the U.S. Army unit whose Iraqi reconstruction projects he covered on a blog and in the paper and what he’s learned about PG&E’s planned “hydrokinetic” energy-producing WaveConnect project. This being Ben’s final appearance on Poodle Radio due to an impending move to other journalistic pastures, we also give him a suitable sendoff, looking back on some of the best memories from his time at the Indy.
Let’s not forget the music: in her capacity as Poodle Radio music producer, Aly rounds up several tracks from artists soon to practice their craft in S.B., including Tony Sly, ALO, Suzanne Vega, Lissie and The Entrance Band.