The Independent is taking another step up the media ladder and turning to the airwaves. As part of its partnership with KCSB 91.9 FM, UCSB’s radio station, Indy staffers are also now running a radio show every Friday morning out of the KJUC studios. KJUC is the practice ground for budding deejays and talk show hosts, and is broadcast only to the on-campus dorms. However, thanks to the wonders of technology, we are able to replay this broadcast to everyone who reads Independent.com.
Here is the first installment of Poodle Radio. The first go-round was actually last week, but due to a technical snafu, it wasn’t recorded. This time, we got most of the show, but it cuts in after the intro and cuts out before the very end. But, oh well, there’s still some great stuff in here.
Specifically, this week, host Matt Kettmann speaks with reporter Chris Meagher about gangs in Santa Barbara, chats up the state of Santa Barbara dining with food editor George Yatchisin, discusses the life of column writing with Starshine Roshell, and then gets down and dirty on Goleta politics with reporter Ben Preston. And in between, there are some musical nuggets from bands near and far, new and old.
So tune in, and check back next week for round three, hosted by Ben Preston.