Jose Luis Saleta
Jose Luis Saleta passed away on August 3, 2017, after a 2-year battle with ALS, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (AKA Lou Gehrig’s Disease). Jose was born in Madrid, Spain, to Fernando Saleta and Pilar Borderas on March 1962. Jose’s sister Isabel and brother Fernando, family, and friends mourn his death in Spain. Jose’s wife Teresa, two sons Pablo and Oscar, in-laws, and friends lament his loss in Santa Barbara.
Jose obtained an engineering degree in Forestry at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He then travelled to Germany to do an internship, and came to UC Santa Barbara to complete a master’s degree in the Geography Department. Later, he settled in Santa Barbara where he worked at UCSB and the SB Unified School District.
Jose worked hard to promote educational opportunities for Latino youth in an attempt to reduce the achievement gap. For several years, he wrote educational articles for El Mexicano, and later El Latino. He also supported many social justice causes, defended the environment, and believed in health care for all.
ALS is a terrible disease that took away Jose’s ability to speak, write, and walk, but could not break his strong spirit. Jose died peacefully at home in the company of his family and friends. Jose had joined a clinical research trial at Cedars Sinai Clinic in Los Angeles, and he later donated his body to science to find a cure for ALS. Jose Luis will always be missed by his wife, sons, and friends.
There will be a Memorial Service on Sunday August 13 at the Casa de la Raza from 12 pm to 2 pm. Descanse en Paz!