Harvey Ray Phetteplace
On March 19, 2018 Harvey Ray Phetteplace passed away. Harvey was born on 11/03/46 in Racine, Wisconsin. He leaves his wife of 31 years, Irene and 3 children, Alex, Renee and Providencia. Additionally Harvey leaves 13 grandchildren 2 great grandchildren. He has two living sisters, Sylvia Kerrzier, Nancy Rock along with a brother Wesley Phetteplace, his Aunt June Ellis, and several cousins.
Harvey’s life career was being a licensed General Contractor for 40 years. He worked doing home remodels, repairs, and painting.
Harvey was a Mason and Past President of the Shrine Club.
Harvey was preceded in death by his Brother Loyal Phetteplace in 2004, and his parents Loyal Sr. and Mable Phetteplace. His real passion was helping others and this showed his devotion to Elkdom especially Santa Barbara Lodge # 613. He became a Member January 27th, 1998 a 23 year Member and served on many committee’s through his year as being an Elk. He incorporated his knowledge and talents into the Elks Lodge. Some of projects that he spear headed was the remodel of the Main Bar area, the Members Lounge, the Patio and BBQ area, part of the kitchen to make room for the new freezer and walk-in. He oversaw the restoration of the gym area, and the new roof, HVAC platforms.
Some of the committee’s he served on, Manager of the Drum and Bugle Corp; Hoop Shoot, ENF, Elks Social Club (BF). Served on the Friday Night cook crew, the Caravaneers Spaghetti night cook crew and too many more to mention. He started his Elks Officers career with his brother Loyal as Chaplain and assistant Chaplain. He worked his way up the chairs until he became Exalted Ruler in 2007-08 then served as trustee. He also was the Ritual coach training Officers how to do their parts in movements and speech for the Ritual contest and for Initiation of new Members. His generosity both financially and volunteering his time and labor for the future of the Elks, he will be truly missed. I can just see him now telling God how to remodel heaven. Also the Members Bar is being renamed after Harvey since he was so instrumental in design and labor along with other volunteers.
There will be a Celebration of Life at the Santa Barbara Elks Lodge # 613 located at 150 N. Kellogg May 5th, services from 11-12 Lunch to follow.