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Administrators from Hope School District and Peabody Charter School were recently honored by the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) for their leadership and ability to expand educational programming. Hope School District Superintendent, Dr. Anne Hubbard, was recognized as the 2024 ACSA Region 13 Superintendent of the Year. Claire Krock, Assistant Principal/Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Peabody Charter, was recognized as the 2024 ASCA Co-Administrator of the Year for Region 13. Awarded to administrators within Region 13, which spans from Ventura to San Luis Obispo, ASCA is at the forefront of advocacy and professional learning for educational leaders. 

Dr. Anne Hubbard has led Hope School District since 2016, bringing with her a wealth of experience in education spanning 34 years. Prior to serving Hope School District, Anne was superintendent of Cayucos Elementary School District, principal of Washington Elementary School in Santa Barbara, and held various other administrative and teaching positions. She received an M.A. in Educational Leadership from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Concordia University, Chicago.

Under Anne’s leadership, Hope School District has seen exceptional successes. In addition to her recent recognition, Hope Elementary School was also named a National Blue Ribbon school in 2023. Her commitment to continuous improvement is evident in the implementation of various programs aimed at enhancing student success, including the establishment of a Multi-Tiered System of Support, Responsive Schools Team, a District School Site Council & LCAP Committee, District Wellness Team, and a partnership with Claire’s company BookSmart Consulting. Anne’s community engagement extends beyond the school system, with her involvement in numerous organizations focused on education, mental wellness, and supporting youth, such as SELPA, ASCA Mental Wellness Task Force, Partners in Education, the Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council, and Santa Barbara Fighting Back. 

Claire Krock, with 22 years of experience in education, has been instrumental in driving positive change at Peabody Charter School. In 2023, Peabody Charter was also named a National Blue Ribbon school where she has successfully integrated effective literacy programming. Currently, as the assistant principal and director of curriculum and instruction at Peabody Charter School, Claire has spearheaded initiatives such as creating a coherent instructional program in English Language arts and providing coaching for teachers and support staff, including LETRS training for 40+ employees. Her expertise in literacy and dyslexia intervention has been invaluable, leading to the establishment of BookSmart Consulting and her role in these literacy transformations at Peabody Charter School and Hope School District. Claire received her M.A. in Elementary Education from University of California, Santa Barbara and has held various teaching positions at Goleta Union School District and Hope School District. 

What is interesting about Claire and Anne both being honored with their awards is that Hope School District and Peabody Charter School frequently collaborate on crucial matters demonstrating their dedication to excellence. The most recent collaboration, started at Peabody under Claire’s direction and then was brought to Hope School District, has been the implementation of a pivotal new literacy program, focusing on improving outcomes for all students, particularly unduplicated student groups and struggling students. Through their joint efforts with a team of dedicated administrators and teachers, a systematic, multi-tiered literacy program encompassing training in the science of reading, implementation of a new phonics program, increased and aligned target teaching, and a purposefully aligned master schedule designed to protect students from missing core instruction has already proven successful. Early outcomes are showing impressive progress. 

“We believe that all students can thrive with the right instructional approach,” says Dr. Anne Hubbard. Claire Krock continues, “By charting a researched based course of action and fostering collaboration, we can ensure that all students have the opportunity to gain the skills necessary for reading and writing.” 

The collective efforts of these administrators from Hope School District and Peabody Charter School exemplifies the power of collaboration in driving positive change in education. As leaders in their respective fields, Dr. Anne Hubbard and Claire Krock serve to inspire and empower educators to make a lasting impact on student success. 

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