Dear George Clooney …
Okay Democratic leadership, super-delegates and lesser-delegates — who is it going to be?
Who will replace Joe Biden, the most effective president since Theodore Roosevelt?
The Democratic Party will not lose my vote. As a progressive, environmentalist, pro-union, card- carrying liberal, processes and policy matter.
Especially now, I will Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who. There is no other party, no independent to waste my vote on.
But to those less loyal, to those who do not understand representative government and politics through my lens, who is going to incite the enthusiasm and unity needed to overcome the potential minority-rule Electoral College and the few thousand swing-state votes that will reportedly determine this election?
Who is it that will bring the excitement and the votes for the down-ballot candidates in the numbers needed to overcome the antics, malfeasance from the insurrectionist party?
So what is the process once you get Joe Biden to relinquish? Who and how does a replacement get selected? A contested convention will be detrimental not only to the Democratic Party but also to the nation.
What group within the big tent will be alienated enough to vote third-party or maybe just become disinterested enough to not vote at all?