In the Land of the Blind Boomer

The one-eyed Boomer is king of
tuna-fish sandwiches
getting crabs (three times)
getting herpes
and getting arrested twice
public drunkenness and nudity were involved

What the hell, it was the ’70s
we didn’t know anything

—except he moon was the soul of the party
    and when she was out
    dancing all crazy through clouds and between stars
    we were horny as hell

I was shocked as shit
when the ’80s dawned
and a new girlfriend said,

Whoa, no, stop right there, buster
you’re not going anywhere
until we talk about


Talk about what and get a what?

And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men
couldn’t put sex with strangers together again

The Bard and the Boomer

At first it seems impossible to even get near him,
I mean, like, why even try to get close
to something as good and true and real as:

Life is a tale told by an idiot
Full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing

But stealing it and using it
well, that’s another matter:

Our current politicians are ALL idiots
Full of…

You get where I’m going

Our current pundits, experts and celebrities are all idiots
Full of…

Ninety-nine percent of stuff on the internet is all garbage
Full of…

You get the idea

And, truly, the neighbor’s chickens
are full of sound and fury
especially the fucking rooster

Who they named Donald

The Black Hole and the Boomer

Round and round the giant sucking space-anus
at the center of the galaxy
goes the Boomer
Bad news — and all the rest you as well

So, lean back and—
visualize a ginormous star-studded black toilet
streaked with suns, comets, meteors and super novas
and always flushing

Stop, let me off
Nope, sorry
But I’m a Catholic, a Christian, a Buddhist, a Jew
Nope sorry, down you go, with all the rest of us schmucks

But I’m better than this
I’m woke
I go to church

I cancel racist
I hunt perverts
I go to therapy
I donate to good causes

Tell it to the cosmic toilet
See where it gets you

Round and round in solar-system town
until the day we go
down, down, down

The Ghost of Boomers Past

Drag chains made of Vietnam dreams
links made of dad throwing us in the car to flee the bombs in 1962
the dark earth-stink mold-smell of the neighbor’s bombs shelter
hiding under the plastic desks
in my brand new elementary school

Links made of Tang and Teflon and forged in
the day Bobby Kennedy was shot
and all the headlights went on
and lit up the freeway
even though it was daytime

At midnight we come haunting
spoiled entitled whining Millennials
who demand a planet that doesn’t burn
and jobs that matter

Later we move on to
Gen Z baby brats who are always offended
at the center of everything
and ceaselessly blame their unhappiness on us old fuckers
while endlessly advocating
for breathable air, clean water
and their feelings

You’d think rattling chains made of
wealth disparity
endless wars
climate change
and pandemics
would scare the shit out of them

No such luck

and God knows what other hook-up sites
are Fan-girling the flames of lust, love and desire
and they’re just as lost in the land of milk and horny
as we were

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