On this week’s Poodle Radio, Colin Marshall is joined first by Santa Barbara City Council members Bendy White and Dale Francisco as well as Indy senior editor Matt Kettman to talk about Plan Santa Barbara. The proposed “road map” for the city’s growth and development over the next two decades, the Plan has become an important factor in the never-ending conversation about what makes Santa Barbara Santa Barbara. The question, as discussed on the show, comes down to a conflict between those who’d like to see a denser population and those who’d like to see it kept spread out.
Then, StylePhile Shannon Kelley drops in to talk about her history as a style and fashion reporter, the book she and her mother are writing, and the possible return of Peeps, her party-photo column. Before, after, and in between these segments come songs provided by associate arts editor and Poodle Radio music producer Aly Comingore. The artists spotlit include Ottmar Liebert, Chrome Wings, Verna Beware, and Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros. All of them recently played in town or will play here soon.
You can tune into Poodle Radio live every Tuesday morning from 8-9 a.m. on KCSB, 91.9 FM in Santa Barbara or on KCSB’s webcast at KCSB.org.