Heads to the Democratic National Convention
Donkey Days in Denver
For the first time ever, The Santa Barbara Independent will be reporting from the Democratic National Convention, which convenes in Denver this weekend and runs until August 29. In addition to this preview and next week’s mid-convention report in the printed edition, at our reporters will be blogging ’round the clock and writing feature articles about the blue donkey party.
Stepping up to the plate in this task are three generations of political onlookers. Leading off is staff news reporter Chris Meagher, who will be interviewing each Santa Barbara delegate, attending the sponsored breakfasts and main evening events, and providing the daily coverage of the convention’s emerging stories. Holding the bat for the younger generation will be Laguna Blanca School senior and student body president Willy Chotzen-Freund, whose interest in politics since birth is being rewarded this year when he goes to Denver as one of 250 students nationwide to take part in the Junior Statesmen Foundation’s program; he’ll provide insights on this year’s critical youth vote, and show us why we should care about courting the next generation of voters. And batting clean-up is the most experienced convention-goer of the bunch: former 2nd District county supervisor Susan Rose, who is a delegate and major player in the Democratic Party, especially on issues related to women.
So starting today and continuing through August 28, make sure to check early and often for the latest from Denver, provided by names you can trust. What follows is a primer on the Democratic National Convention; for longer versions of these articles, check out
• Our Most Experienced DNC Correspondent Gives the Convention Run-Down