Good Supe
I firmly believe that Doreen Farr has served not only the Third District but also all of Santa Barbara County very well. As a voting member of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) she has taken her role on this little known but very important body seriously, studying issues carefully. She has been particularly mindful of the needs and issues in the unincorporated areas of the county. As a resident of Vandenberg Village, I am familiar with these efforts. She has addressed our concerns far better than any of her predecessors. She holds monthly open sessions in the Village Library (which she supports) to learn about our concerns, and has taken steps to address them. She has worked constructively with the Vandenberg Village Association and the Vandenberg Village Community Service District on many of our issues. Her input with the regional and local U.S. Postal Service offices was of great help in the opening of the much-needed Postal Contract Unit in the Village Market. Doreen has been supportive of the Vandenberg Village Farmers Market. Now that Mission Hills/Mesa Oaks are also in the Third District, I’m confident that she will serve these areas as well as she has Vandenberg Village.