Wolf and the Beach
There’s nothing like some hard facts to counter the political hot air that’s been circulating around Goleta Beach and Supervisor Janet Wolf’s position thereon.
No one who has paid serious attention to this issue would believe claims that Supervisor Wolf doesn’t care about Goleta Beach or the park. Those claims are even less persuasive when they come from her opponent, who has a vested interest in trying to make her look bad and is struggling to find any facts to help him in that effort. But the facts are clear in Supervisor Wolf’s position and voting record, as evidenced in the transcript from the March 18 Board of Supervisors’ hearing, where she led her colleagues in a 5-0 vote to maintain the current rock revetments to protect the beach and park.
Supervisor Wolf cited the EIR repeatedly in her comments, including the following: “Today, however, I must look at the facts as they are presented to us in this EIR regarding Goleta Beach. I am struck by one of the comments on page A-9 in the response to comments: “When considering the EIR analysis of the Project and alternatives, it is important not to apply general lessons regarding the often adverse effects of seawalls and revetments on beach erosion without considering the particular circumstances at Goleta Beach. … the existing revetments … are projected to be seldom exposed to wave action, at least through 2050. This is in marked contrast to many other revetments in Santa Barbara County …”
Her comments also noted the board’s repeated allocation of resources to replace the sewage lift system and bridge, and her own fight to resist the imposition of parking fees.
As voters, we are tired of campaign rhetoric. Just the facts, ma’am.