To My Children’s Principal
I am writing to you today as a very concerned parent with regards to remote learning for the K-3 grades. I want to begin by saying that I truly feel the teachers my children have are doing a phenomenal job and continue to do so each day, given the current situation. However, I am gravely concerned with the progress that my first and third grader are currently making and I in no way fault the teachers for this progress.
The reality is that remote learning for the K-3 age group is extraordinarily unrealistic. We began this year willing to try it and kept a positive mindset with it, but our passion for this to work is quickly diminishing. In past years, both of my children were highly engaged in their studies and excelled at learning. Since being moved to the online platform, my husband and I have been noticing and experiencing a decline and willingness for our children to complete their studies, participate in class, and retain information that is being taught.
This past week things have been taking even more of a plunge than previous weeks. I am left here feeling helpless and extremely frustrated. My husband who is currently carrying the brunt of keeping them on track during their remote days is feeling very concerned with their progress and frustrated as well.
What compounds this, is how our children are feeling throughout all of this. They are just as frustrated and let’s be honest, as over it, as we are. I am not sitting here writing this email to you today with the hope that you will offer condolences to me or that you will offer suggestions on how I can navigate my specific situation during these difficult times. I am writing this email to you today to give my children a voice, our family a voice, and those who are not able to, a voice.
I am hopeful that you are able to stress to those above you that this system is not working. I am hopeful that someone listens to this and more action is taken. I am hopeful that our K-3 children are able to get in-person learning (more than two days a week), and maybe even take priority in returning for more days over the older grades. I am hopeful for change and progress.
Lastly, I am thankful for all the work, time, and energy that you and the staff of Foothill elementary has put into trying to make this remote year work. I do not want this email to come across as a criticism of the amazing time, effort, and work that you have all put into it. I am simply a very concerned and frustrated parent who is looking for a change and willing to do whatever I need to, to start making that happen.