Chumash Maritime Traditions, Past, Present and Future
Free Movie Screening and Presentation with Q&A
The evening begins with a short film about the Syuxtun Story Circle, the tile mosaic located along West Cabrillo Boulevard, where the Chumash village of Syuxtun is located. The mosaic is a collaborative work of over 100 Chumash tribal members from all across the Chumash territories and visually illustrates aspects of Chumash mythology and history. The movie tells the stories represented by the different elements within the mosaic.
After the screening, members from the Chumash Maritime Association, which is one of the groups that helped bring the Syuxtun Story Circle to life, will share about their ongoing work of building, maintaining, and crewing traditional Chumash Tomols, as well as their educational outreach and other programs. Among the presenters will be Tomol Captain Ray Ward, Paddlers James Franco and Lacee Lopez, Elders Martha Jaimes and Gloria Liggett, and Board members Sue Nakao, Sherri Diaz and Mia Lopez.
Also featured at the presentation will be Little Sister, a small, one person Tomol built by the Chumash Maritime Association.
Founded in 1996, the Chumash Maritime Association is committed to strengthening the dignity and identity of Chumash people of all ages by reclaiming their maritime culture through practical knowledge of their homeland in all of its elements,
This talk is part of the ongoing Wilderness Hiking Speaker Series hosted by the Santa Barbara Public Library. The talks are the third Thursday of the month and feature topics related to hiking and backpacking, the outdoors, and the natural history and lore of our local region.
The next talk in the series is Thursday, December 19th, The Truth about White Sharks and Shark Attacks with Peter Howorth.