illuminate Virtual Speaker Series Presents Dr. Sunita Puri
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Date & Time
Wed, Apr 21 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Address (map)
Hospice of Santa Barbara illuminate Speaker Series Presents Dr. Sunita Puri – Language as Medicine: Finding the Right Words for the Right Conversations
Join Hospice of Santa Barbara’s illuminate Speaker Series with Dr. Sunita Puri who will present Language as Medicine: Finding the Right Words for the Right Conversations on Wednesday, April 21st at 6:00 PM PDT.
We may know intellectually that mortality is inevitable, but how do we access the language and state of mind necessary to consider the type of care we and our loved ones want when we fall ill? In this webinar, Dr. Puri will cover how the COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with an opportunity to begin this crucial conversation, which offers an opportunity for true intimacy with the people we love.
Dr. Puri, author of the acclaimed literary memoir, That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour, will share her wisdom on this subject based on her work as Medical Director of Palliative Medicine at USC as well as discuss her frontline experience having these discussions with patients and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Timely conversations, conducted with compassion and precision, have the potential to avoid at least some of the suffering she has witnessed over the last year.
The event is FREE but registration is required. To find out more, and register for the event, please visit:
Date: Wednesday, April 21st 2021
Time: 6:00 PDT
Price: FREE
Register Link:
Spanish Translation:
El lenguaje como medicina: encontrando palabras adecuadas para conversaciones adecuadas
Intelectualmente sabemos que la muerte es inevitable, pero ¿cómo encontramos el lenguaje y el estado mental para considerar el tipo de atención médica que nosotros mismos, y nuestros seres queridos, queremos si nos llegáramos a enfermar gravemente? La pandemia de COVID nos ha brindado la oportunidad de comenzar esta conversación tan importante, una oportunidad que nos permite platicar con las personas que más amamos de una manera muy intima. La Dra. Sunita Puri, autora de la aclamada memoria literaria, That Good Night: Life and Medicine in the Eleventh Hour, compartirá su sabiduría sobre este tema basándose en su trabajo como directora médica de medicina paliativa en USC, y su experiencia personal teniendo estas conversaciones con pacientes y familiares durante la pandemia de COVID. Las conversaciones oportunas, realizadas con compasión y precisión, tienen el potencial de evitar al menos parte del sufrimiento que se ha presenciado durante el último año.
Cuándo: miércoles 21 de abril del 2021 de 6:00 a 7:00 p.m. PDT
Dónde: El evento tendrá lugar en Zoom Webinar
Este evento es gratuito, pero es necesario registrarse. Siga el enlace para registrarse: