Inaugural Walk to End Epilepsy Santa Barbara

**Events may have been canceled or postponed. Please contact the venue to confirm the event.
Date & Time
Sat, Jun 01 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Address (map)
5221 Cheadle Hall
Join us for the FIRST EVER Walk to End Epilepsy – Santa Barbara!
When: 06/01/2024 | 9:00 am
Where: UC Santa Barbara
Join us in-person or virtually to raise awareness and funds to END EPILEPSY. With each step taken and dollar raised, we’re closer to reaching our goal: a world free from epilepsy and free from fear of the next seizure.
There is no fee to register, however when you raise $50 or more you’ll earn this year’s official Walk to End Epilepsy – Santa Barbara event merchandise. Register today at
9 AM | Arrive and get checked in or get registered and ready to walk! Explore our partner tents, enjoy light refreshments and participate in our family-friendly activities.
9:30 AM | Opening Remarks: Hear from community partners, celebrate our top fundraisers, learn about our mission and recognize our loved ones affected by epilepsy and seizures.
9:45 AM | Walk with your team! The Walk course is 1 mile long. Feel free to walk as many times as you would like!
12 PM | Event Ends