Thirty-three-year-old Mark McCraken, a Santa Barbara fisherman and outdoor enthusiast, was “trolling for bonito” this past weekend off Gaviota State Beach when a “tweaked out hammerhead shark started ramming and biting” his kayak, he said on social media.

McCraken, who happening to be filming with his GoPro at the time of the attack, posted a two-minute video on his Instagram, to which he dubbed War’s “Why Can’t We Be Friends” and added the caption, “Mark: 1, Shark: 0.”

As the video shows, the hammerhead repeatedly circled around his kayak while he used his paddle to hit it away more than 20 times. According to McCraken, “Even after I was on shore, he [the shark] paced back and forth in about 3 feet of water like he was just waiting for me to come back out.”

According to KEYT, two hammerhead sharks were caught off the Santa Barbara coast Tuesday morning.

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