On this week’s Poodle Radio, Colin Marshall is joined first by Indy reporter Ethan Stewart, here to discuss his cover story on the ongoing controversy about SBCC’s continuing education program. They talk about what’s actually going on with the budget, what’s in whose control, how the public perception of the situation is changing and how the future of continuing education looks from here. Then, activist (and former Grassroots host on KCSB) Eric Cardenas drops by the studio to talk about his efforts organizing the Stand in the Sand, a demonstration of solidarity with the population living near the recent Gulf Coast oil spill.
You can tune into Poodle Radio live every Tuesday morning from 8-9 a.m. on KCSB, 91.9 FM in Santa Barbara or on KCSB’s webcast at KCSB.org.
Questions, comments or suggestions to do with Poodle Radio? Don’t hesitate to send them to colin@independent.com.